Social Distancing: Ten Principles to Live By

As we approach Day 3 of “social distancing” practices in our community, with no foreseeable change in the near future, I thought it might be helpful to simply share a few things I’ve been reflecting upon – take or leave it. 

Man trying to drink coffee while wearing a ventilator
Everyone’s day to day has been affected on some level…

The panic will settle over time, but what would responsible engagement with our community look like during this time of social distancing and, in some areas, social isolation?

  • Be grateful for the time we have been given – full stop.
  • Slow down a bit and take in the beauty around us. Your family, your significant other, the nature around us. The simplicity we often miss. Read. Draw. Play. Find something new to learn.
  • Connect. Yes, connect with others. Use this platform for what it was intended. To STAY connected. Check in on others. Find people who you haven’t spoken with in a long time…reach out. Don’t just post selfies about your life – See what others are doing and are in need of!
  • Be available. To your spouse, to your family, to your friends, to your neighbours, to a stranger in need. Listen well. Speak when needed. Laugh, love, REST, play… you know…all the things we WORK ALL YEAR to have 1 week off for!!! You might find healing in this time.
  • Take nothing for granted. Not this life, not another breath, your possessions, relationships, JOB…nothing! Whether you believe this or not – “God gives and He takes away”. We can all agree that the most precious things in life can be gone in a flash!
  • Use the technology of TODAY that we are blessed with to help each other. Help local businesses by using delivery services, online local ordering and website purchases from local vendors. We can exchange money without ever coming into contact (while I would normally err towards face to face this is the perfect time to utilize this tech to the fullest!!) Lend your ideas with education and distance learning to help others who need to figure out HOW to keep their kids learning and productive!! 
  • Think about OTHERS!!! You show true colors when you let selfishness prevail. And that can be seen in LOTS of ways. Leave that last bit of “toilet paper” behind. Reach out to see that your neighbour is ok. If you have extra food – spare what you can. THINK about the person near you who just lost his/her job or is laid off because of lack of $$ coming in. It’s happening everywhere!
  • Let UNITY come back into our lives! Remember when we could ideologically or fundamentally disagree about certain topics and be OK with one another? Still be friends, colleagues or countrymen? What ever happened to the strength of diverse views enhancing each other’s lives and life in general? Let’s learn to have civil conversation – drenched in genuine care, concern, and even love for one another. We all actually want the best for each other…but going back to the previous point, we can be really selfish. Ask yourself, is hurting another person worth dying on a hill for this __________ ideal I have? 
  • Please stop mocking each other. We have various past experiences, health issues, trauma and otherwise that has shaped our stories thus far. We can’t assume to know someone else’s story. If you are a person faith (as I am); or agnostic or even atheist, we can agree on these things: (1) Humanity is flawed and in need of hope. (2) We all want to be accepted and loved. Oh yeah, and one more thing – a person having Faith does not negate one’s beliefs in science & pragmatism…nor should we of Faith dismiss the scientific design, order, and discovery which helps us live better – that we believe God has given us. Let’s all be good stewards of this gift of life and nature around us. 
  • Be kind. Show mercy. Live today like it’s the last. That’s probably a good lesson during and certainly after this “storm” passes – “It, too, shall pass”. 

~Who knows? We might just find ourselves living a more selfless life. One more connected, with relationships stronger, healed or restored. A world where we appreciate again… πŸ˜‰ 

Be well and may 
β€œThe Lord bless you
and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26).

We were made for community – so social distancing is stressful for many of us, adding to the sense one might have of being alone. Please let us know what you think of this article or how we might serve you by completing the Comments section below.

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